Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Adopt a State Campaign

Even though Senator Obama is unsure of how many states are in our Country, we sure know! We have 50 great PUMA states. Shame on you Senator Obama! See what happens when you are deprived of a proper American Elementary School education.

PUMA in USA has created PUMA websites for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. These sites are looking to be adopted by loving people that care about our country and want to keep Obama out of the White House. The only care your state site needs is to be visited once a day so you can feed it a post or comment on someone else’s post.

Some state sites are ready to be adopted while others are still waiting to be delivered. We will provide assistance with the site you adopt to help it grow into a success to keep Senator Obama out of the White House.

Please contact us by email or visit us at PUMAinUSA if you are interested in adopting a state website or with any questions you have. Writing a post is as easy as writing an email.

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OUR Party made Roll Call a joke with Obama winning majority of Delegates in States that Hillary won!